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Tanya for Tuesday, 13 Shevat, 5784 - January 23, 2024

As Divided for a Leap Year

Tanya for 13 Shevat

12 Shevat, 5784 - January 22, 202414 Shevat, 5784 - January 24, 2024

But the ten attributes - Chochmah, Binah, Daat, and so on, are the root and source of thought and, before being clothed in the garment of thought, they as yet lack the element of letters.

[The letters are formed only when one applies his thoughts to a particular idea or a feeling, as explained further.

Since the intellectual and emotional soul-powers are so subtle and amorphous that they cannot be defined even in terms of the spiritual thought-letters, they are obviously of an altogether different, more spiritual, order than thought, and the spoken word is surely without value in comparison to them. What follows is a description of the process whereby the letters of thought are formed].

For example, when a man suddenly becomes conscious of a certain love or desire in his heart, before it has risen from the heart to the brain to meditate on it and ponder it, it has not yet acquired the element of letters; it is only a pure desire and longing for the object of his affection.

All the more so before he began to feel in his heart a craving and desire for that thing, when it was yet confined within the realm of his intellect (Chochmah), understanding [corresponding to Binah], and knowledge [Daat], meaning that the thing was known to him to be desirable and gratifying, something good and pleasant to attain and to cling to; as for instance, to study a certain discipline or to eat some delicacy - [then, in this state of intellectual appreciation of the desirable object, before the appreciation has even developed into an emotion, there are certainly no "letters" present in one's mind].

Only after the desire and craving have already descended into his heart [i.e., after they have developed into emotions] through the stimulus of his wisdom, understanding and knowledge, and only after they have ascended once again from the heart back to the brain, to think and meditate on how to implement his desire by actually obtaining that food or actually studying that subject, it is only at this point - [when one applies his thoughts to implementing his desire] - that "letters" are born in one's mind, corresponding to the language of each of the nations, who employ these letters when speaking and thinking about everything in the world; [i.e., each of us thinks in his own language.

"Pure" feeling, however, that is feeling that has not yet reached the "applied", implemental stage of thought, transcends differences of nation and language, since it does not express itself in "letters."

From all this we may understand the Alter Rebbe's earlier statement that a spoken word is utterly without value in comparison with the soul's intellectual and emotional powers (which are described here, for our purposes, as the essence of the soul). Surely, then, the Divine "Word" by which G-d creates and animates all the worlds has no value at all next to G-d, Who is truly and absolutely infinite.

Thus all the worlds created and sustained by the Divine Word are as if nonexistent, from G-d's perspective, and their presence does not effect any change in His unity. This theme will be further discussed in the following chapter.

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