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Tanya for Thursday, 27 Adar I, 5784 - March 7, 2024

As Divided for a Leap Year

Tanya for 27 Adar I

26 Adar I, 5784 - March 6, 202428 Adar I, 5784 - March 8, 2024

But as to one who is not his companion - [his equal] - in the Torah and the mitzvot, [so that (as our Sages say concerning the ignorant in general) even his deliberate transgressions are regarded as inadvertent acts, since he is unaware of the gravity of sin]; nor is he on intimate terms with him; - [not only is one not enjoined to hate him: on the contrary, he must in fact, strive to become closer to him, as the Alter Rebbe states shortly.

To hate such a sinner is surely unjustifiable, since no sin that he commits is considered deliberate. There is also no reason to keep one's distance from him out of fear that he will learn from his evil ways (in fulfillment of the exhortation of the Mishnah, "Do not fraternize with a wicked man"), since he is not on close personal terms with him in any case].

[Therefore], on the contrary: Of this situation Hillel said, [11] "Be one of the disciples of Aharon, loving peace and pursuing peace, loving creatures and drawing them near to the Torah."

This [usage of the term "creatures" in reference to human beings] means that even those who are far from G-d's Torah and His service, for which reason they are classified simply as creatures" - [indicating that the fact that they are G-d's creations is their sole virtue - even those] one must attract with strong cords of love.

Perhaps thereby one will be able, after all, to draw them close to the Torah and the service of G-d.

And even if one fails [in this], he has not forfeited the merit of the mitzvah of neighborly love [which he has fulfilled by his efforts in this direction.



  1. (Back to text) Avot 1:12.

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